These are examples of what we produce ourselves or the results of our foraging excursions. While our aim is to primarily feed ourselves from the croft, we do end up with surplus at times. In 2022 we have added a polytunnel to be able to grow more produce which we will sell locally. We also sell surplus eggs from our woodland ranging, grain fed hens in an honesty box next to the house.

It’s been a steep learning curve to grow our food. We discovered that to avoid wastage, it is important to know what we actually like to eat. It was tempting to try out many new things at first, but it is pointless if we don’t feel like eating them! It can seem overwhelming initially, but one jar at a time, we learn different, tasty ways to make our harvests last longer.

We also make all our own wine and other brews from croft berries and even grapes! We’re experimenting with herbal and traditional beers and drinks too, to really capture the essence of the land. Unfortunately we wouldn’t ever be able to sell these, but they’re often shared!