Aurore made her first coiled basket with Jeanette Nowak in Shetland in 2015, first willow basket in March 2020 with Karen Collins and she has been addicted to weaving ever since. After learning the basics of round willow work thanks to Hanna Van Aelst’s online course, she honed her craft with John Cowan in Lanark. For now she is practicing and experimenting with what she knows and slowing expanding her skills. Besides working with willow and willow bark, Aurore also enjoys collecting natural fibres and make wee baskets and cordage out of them. There is a lot to play with just a stone throw from the house!

Her baskets can be bought at local markets, Ceàrd shop in Ullapool and the Shetland Gallery in Shetland, or via Instagram @windyseeds. What she has spare will be sold on our website but this is a rather rare occurrence.

Aurore also offers basketry workshops – find out more here.